Division: Equidistant subdivision of macro element edges

This command defines a subdivision of the complete macro model, of individual elements or individual edges. After specifying parameters within the following dialog, button „Apply“ calculates the number of intermediate nodes for the edges and saves subdivision data.


Continue regularly: Selected elements are regularly subdivided, that is opposite edges of an element will have identical numbers of segments (pattern 40 for 4-node elements). Starting from an edge with still undefined subdivision data, all edges are searched that will be affected by a continuation of this subdivision. From this set of edges the edge with the largest length will be evaluated and for this edge the number of segments is calculated and applied to all edges within this set. Regular continuation is only possible for 3 and 4 node elements. This option is not supported for elements of type 105 and 400.

Each edge on its own: The number of segments is calculated for each selected edge individually based on the edge length and the given element length “l-max”. The pattern 150 is applied. To quadrilateral elements with corner angles nearly 90 degree or triangular elements with corner angles with nearly 60 degree, pattern 142 is applied.

Edge length

L-max: The max. length for the edges of the finite elements must be provided. The number of segments for the edges of macro elements will be calculated based on this value. If there are reference points defined for an edge, the subdivision is done for the parts of the edge.

Odd number: This ensures that only an even number of segments will be generated by possibly increasing the number of segments by 1 (this isn’t applied in case of regular continuation). This will result mostly to get only 4-node finite elements und is especially important for type 105 and 400 elements, where subdivision is eventually first done with the double edge length and then all elements are subdivided into 4 respectively 3 quadrilateral elements.

Element selection

Select elements that shall be considered.

Edge selection

Remaining edges: All edges of selected elements with currently no specified subdivision data are selected.

All edges: All edges of selected elements are used. Old subdivision data will be overwritten.

Selected edges only: With this option a node selection must be given graphically or with the dialog for node selection. All edges which have both vertices contained within this set of nodes will be selected and subdivision data will be assigned only to these edges. Element selection will be ignored with this option. Not applicable with type 105 and type 400 elements.

Hint: With solid elements, only subdivision data for the surface of the solid is defined. Subdivision for the third direction must be specified afterwards using command „Pattern