Define nodes: Define new nodes

With this command additional nodes used for later element definitions by command Define Elements, can be created. Node coordinates must be given within the following dialog. The dialog remains active until it’s explicitly closed by pressing „Cancel“.

Coordinate system

In case a local coordinate system is selected, all given coordinates are related to this system, applicable with options "Individual node" and “Divide straight line”.

Individual node

 Coordinates in the selected coordinate system of an individual node have to be given in the input field.

Subdivide straight line

 Pressing this button one or more straight lines are equally divided. The number of intermediate nodes on the line must be given in the input field. After pressing the button, 2 nodes as endpoints must be selected for each line. In case a local coordinate system is selected, the endpoints are transformed into the local coordinate system before the subdivision is done, so the new nodes are generated in this coordinate system. This way it is easy to get intermediate nodes on a cylindrical or a toroidal surface, but it is important, that the angle of the endpoints lie in the range 0° to 360°. Otherwise the new nodes might lie on the wrong half to the circle.

Straight line

Pressing this button, 2 nodes as end points of a line must first be graphically selected. A straight line is drawn colored. After that the positions of new nodes on this line have to be set by cursor (left mouse button). The right mouse button ends the creation of new nodes on the line, and a new line can be selected until the right mouse button is pressed twice.


Pressing this button, 3 nodes on a circle have to be selected first. The circle will be drawn colored. After that the positions of new nodes on the circle have to be set by cursor. The right mouse button ends the creation of new nodes.


Pressing this button, several existing nodes on the edges of a plane area must first be selected graphically. These edges are plotted as an orientation. The first, second and last node of the edges are used to define the plane, the angle between these node should be near 90°. The selection of nodes is interrupted with the right mouse button. After the edges are drown, the position of several new nodes on the plane can be specified with cursor until the right mouse button in pressed. For the graphic, parallel projection must be selected; otherwise the calculated position of the new nodes might differ from the cursor position. If the view is varied while new nodes are defined, the determining points of the plane must remain in the graphics window.

Group ID of new node elements

Nodes created by this command will be assigned a node element. Within this input field the group ID for these elements can be given.

Define new coordinates to existing nodes

Node ID: The ID of an existing node must be given. Pressing button “Graphically” a node can be selected graphically by cursor, the ID and coordinates of the selected nodes are shown in the dialog.

Coordinates: The new coordinates of the node must be given in the input field.

Apply: Pressing this button the new coordinates are stored in the data structure.


Pressing this button, last created new nodes are deleted.

Delete elements

Clicking this button, the dialog for deleting elements pops up.